Be a Leader in Worship

Being a leader in worship is a great way to feel connected to the community and to deepen your own relationship with God.

There are lots of options, depending on your own skills and interests. To get started with any of them, talk to any of the Clergy or staff or ask one of the other volunteers how to get started.


Chalice Ministers

One of the simplest ways to get involved with Sunday morning worship. Chalice Ministers administer the cup of wine during Communion. Easy to learn how to do and takes but 10 minutes in the liturgy. 
Perfect for: folks who want to dip their toe into liturgical ministry. 



These are the first smiling faces you see on Sunday morning. Ushers help people find a seat, take up the collection, and direct foot traffic during Communion.
Perfect for: folks who are outgoing, assertive, and detail-oriented.



Acolytes (a.k.a. "altar servers") are the clergy's assistants in our worship, leading our processions and helping set the Communion table. Being an acolyte is a great way for kids to learn about what we do on Sundays and the meaning behind it.
Perfect for: all kids, ages 8 and up.



Lectors read aloud the scripture for the congregation.
Perfect for: folks comfortable with public speaking.


Prayer Writers

Prayer Writers compose the Prayers of the People for each Sunday liturgy.
Perfect for: folks who are good writers and/or who feel they have a deep prayer life.


Altar Guild

The Altar Guild sets up and cleans the vessels we use for Communion. It's a quick 15-minute job, but it makes a world of difference for our worship on Sundays.
Perfect for: folks who like behind-the-scenes leadership and don't mind doing dishes.


Hospitality Hosts

Connecting Lives is central to the mission of SPR. Meeting new people and catching up with old friends after each Sunday liturgy is the prime place for that -- and delicious food helps. Hospitality hosts bring the food but cooking is not required and specific guidelines are available.
Perfect for: everyone! We have instructions available to help you along.


Linen Washers

Washers clean and press the linens we use for Communion every week.
Perfect for: folks who are masterful with an iron.


Communion Bread Bakers

We have freshly baked bread every Sunday for Communion. These folks do the baking.
Perfect for: folks who are good bakers.